What is integrative kinesiology

The word "kinesiology" originates from Greek and means kinetics (kinesis =
movement; logos = doctrine).
Kinesiology is an holistic health, preventive method and serves the health promotion such as health upkeep.
It is a combination of contents from Eastern therapy methods and the modern Western sciences. Thereto belong selected areas of
Chinese medicine (acupressure), chiropraktic, dietetics such as kinetics.
In the integrative kinesiology (IK, integrative = to incorporate) does unite kinesiology with the conversation-therapeutical
approach of the humanistic psychology according to Carl Rogers.
Kinesiology does consider the entire human body, soul and mind and is committed to holistic health.
Kinesiology is a holistic health therapy form and unites Western and Eastern complementary medicine together. That way it does connect amongst other things the Chinese acupuncture teaching with Western medicine, education science and psychology.
Kinesiology does consider the entire human body, soul and mind and is committed to holistic health.
Kinesiology is a holistic health therapy form and unites Western and Eastern complementary medicine together. That way it does connect amongst other things the Chinese acupuncture teaching with Western medicine, education science and psychology.
The muscle response testing

The fundamental idea of the muscle response testing is that each muscle does react on stress
with a short
"shutdown" or easing. This short first reaction of the muscle is controlled by the
autonomous (vegetative) nervous system and cannot be deliberately controlled or manipulated by the mind in that specific moment.
The muscle response testing is therefore a measuring instrument of the body which provides information
about possible dysfunctions in physical, mental and emotional areas and demonstrates options for changes. The body indicates the answer –
when asked properly.
The muscle response testing as body's own response system does serve in the kinesiological session to detect stress factors causing imbalance, however, also help finding the best possible balancing technique. Therefor I use acupressure, movement exercises, colours, visualisation and systemic approaches.
My work is based on the fundamental idea that the solution for the imbalance and the potential to change can be found in oneself. Your and my capabilities, skills und knowledge are integrated into the therapy and help reaching the desired change.
The muscle response testing as body's own response system does serve in the kinesiological session to detect stress factors causing imbalance, however, also help finding the best possible balancing technique. Therefor I use acupressure, movement exercises, colours, visualisation and systemic approaches.
My work is based on the fundamental idea that the solution for the imbalance and the potential to change can be found in oneself. Your and my capabilities, skills und knowledge are integrated into the therapy and help reaching the desired change.
For who is kinesiology?
Kinesiology is suitable for persons of all ages who like to change something in their lives and for persons with symptoms on various levels. We all, children, juveniles and adults, are exposed to various pressures. At school, work or family we are under increasing stress which can cause imbalance on a mental, emotional and physical level. With help of kinesiology the imbalances can be detected and corrected. The aim of the kinesiological balance is to find back to one's own inner strength and to revive the desired healing process in order to unfold and use one's own potential.
Examples of subjects:
Lacking self-worth
Lack of motivation
Setting and reaching goals
Escessive demands
Personal growth
Personal appearance
Surviving challenges
Lacking self-worth
Lack of motivation
Setting and reaching goals
Escessive demands
Personal growth
Personal appearance
Surviving challenges
Learning blockages and difficulties
Fear of exams
Concentration difficulties
Perceptual disorders
Coordination difficulties
Memory problems
Learning blockages and difficulties
Fear of exams
Concentration difficulties
Perceptual disorders
Coordination difficulties
Memory problems
Pain in general
Back pain
Muscular tension
Digestion problems
Headaches / migraine
Pain in general
Back pain
Muscular tension
Digestion problems
Headaches / migraine
"Kinesiology does not render medical examination unnecessary, however, it supports and compliments medical treatments."
Kinesiology is suited for everyone – children, juveniles and adults.