Appointments and fees

  • Please make an appointment by phone or via email.
  • Sessions can be hold in German or English.
  • Business hours:
    Mon & Tue by appointment
    Wed, Thu & Fri 13:00-19:00h
    Sat 9:00-17:00h
    Extended business hours by appointment possible. Please feel to contact with your request.
  • If unable to attend, please cancel 24hrs prior to appointment. Elsewise the treatment period will be charged.
  • Duration of the session: 50 - 60 minutes (First session approx. 75 minutes)
  • Fee for one session: CHF 130.00 (payment in cash or TWINT)
  • EMR seal of quality and health-insurance accepted. Please consult your health insurance concerning health care coverage.
  • Number of sessions: 3 to 5 session prove one's worth. We may adjust the number of session after each session according to the individual needs.

Additional information for the kinesiological session

  • On the basis of our conversation and the muscle response testing we identify which own habits confine daily life.
  • What would you like to change, respectively improve? It helps to give thought to this question prior to the session.
  • Please inform your doctor about the visitation of a kinesiological session in case you are in medical treatment .